Anthroposophical medicine is based on the work of Ita Wegman, a Dutch physician who wanted to reconnect the spiritual side of medicine with the regular medicine based on biochemistry. In doing so, she received help from Rudolf Steiner, a teacher of humanity and a philosopher.  Together they wrote the book: Fundamentals of Therapy by Rudolf Steiner and Ita Wegman, London, 1925.

Anthroposophical medicine already existed for hundred years and has been a form of holistic medicine from the beginning. There are anthroposophical hospitals and other medical centres in various countries all over the world. Among these are about fifteen therapeutical centres in the Netherlands. All anthroposophical doctors have completed  a regular training first. In daily work, both views enrich each other. In my consultative medical practice in ‘t Waag, however, I only prescribe natural medication. In addition, it is taken for granted, that everyone also visits her or his own general practitioner and other doctors, if necessary.